Back to Articles Published: 14 August 2020

Why cutting down on alcohol is good for you

We all know that too much alcohol can lead to serious health conditions, but did you know just how many benefits there are to your health and wellbeing if you drank a little less?

Better sleep

You might find that alcohol helps you get to sleep but alcohol affects the quality of your sleep and makes it more likely you will wake early and be unable to drop off again. 

More energy

Alcohol can interfere with your immune system making it harder to fend off bugs. With its negative effects on your sleep and mood, drinking too much can leave you feeling tired, sluggish and generally a bit under the weather. 

Higher concentration levels

Regularly drinking above the CMO’s guidelines can affect your concentration and ability to work. Once you begin cutting back, you may notice the quality of your work improves.

Healthier skin

Alcohol can dehydrate your skin making it appear dull and grey. Add some dark circles and bags under your eyes from a lack of sleep and you’ll look less than your best. Thankfully, skin is quick to react to changes so it could be looking better after just a couple of days of drinking less.

Slimmer waistline

Alcoholic drinks can be very high in calories and quite fattening. 

Healthier stomach

Alcohol irritates the stomach and makes it produce more acid than usual. This can cause gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining).      

Better long term health

Cutting down will reduce your risk of developing cancer, liver or heart disease and could lower your blood pressure. You may not be able to see the difference you’re making, but by drinking within the CMO’s low risk drinking guidelines, you can be confident you’re doing your body a massive favour.

More information can be found at Alternatively, why not take our online assessment which will help you learn more about your overall health and wellbeing and set you on a new path to cutting down on alcohol and other changes to your lifestyle.