What should we try to eat?

  • eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day 
  • base meals on higher fibre starchy foods like potatoes, bread, rice or pasta
  • have some dairy or dairy alternatives 
  • eat some beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other protein
  • choose unsaturated oils and spreads (olive oil, vegetable oils), and eat them in small amounts
  • drink plenty of fluids - at least 6 to 8 glasses a day

If you're having food and drink that are high in fat, salt and sugar, have these less often and in small amounts.

Try to choose a variety of different foods from the 5 main food groups to get a wide range of nutrients.

The Eatwell Guide does not apply to children under the age of 2 because they have different nutritional needs.

eat well guide

Perfect portions

Numbers and figures are all very well but how does this relate to you? Keeping the Eatwell Guide in mind, you can personalise your portion sizes with the guide.

Carbs like cereal/rice/pasta/potato
  • Portion size: Your clenched fist
  • Include 1 portion at each main meal and ensure it fills no more than ¼ of your plate
Protein like meat/poultry/fish/tofu/pulses
  • Portion size: Palm of your hand
  • Aim to have a portion at each meal
  • Portion size: 2 of your thumbs
  • Enjoy as a snack or part of a meal
  • Portion size: 1 of your cupped hands
  • Enjoy as a snack or part of a meal
Butter/spreads/nut butter
  • Portion size: The tip of your thumb
  • Eat no more than 2 or 3 times a day
Savouries like popcorn/crisps
  • Portion size: 2 of your cupped hands
  • Enjoy as a snack/treat
Bakes like brownies/flapjacks
  • Portion size: 2 of your fingers
  • Enjoy as an occasional treat

Don’t forget we should all be aiming for a minimum of five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. 

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