Tackling Loneliness in Essex

United in Kind is a social movement that is using kindness to tackle loneliness in Essex.

For partner networks and individuals, the movement creates connections and enables everyone to take positive action, raises awareness of the issue and gives people the chance to talk about loneliness.

One in four people in Essex say they are lonely, by doing small kind acts we can make a big difference to how connected someone feels to their community, and these connections can build into something bigger to tackle loneliness.

United in Kind logo

Get in Touch

If you have any stories where you have shared kindness within your community, please send them via direct message to our Facebook or Instagram page.

If you'd like to seek support with loneliness or social isolation, take the assessment below. 

Take the Online Assessment TODAY

Alternatively, if you would like to speak to someone about any of our services, or would like assistance taking the assessment online please contact us on 0300 303 9988 or email provide.essexwellbeing@nhs.net to talk to one of our friendly team members.